Sociopathic Personality Disorders – What is a Sociopath?

Sociopath and narcissists are two different personality disorders and are both highly destructive to an individual’s health.

Sociopathic Personality Disorders - What is a Sociopath?

While narcissism can be an indicator of a larger problem, sociopath is the direct opposite of it. Both psychopathy and narcissism, however, are marked by a persistent pattern of violation of and disregard for the rights of others, often manifested through a number of the following persistent or habitual behaviors:

(a) criminal acts – sociopaths may have a number of different criminal acts under their belt, including fraud, deception, harassment, and violence. Often sociopaths will go after their own victims as well as those around them.

(b) dishonesty – Narcissists are known to tell very convincing stories and will often lie about things that they shouldn’t. Sociopaths on the other hand will frequently lie about things that they would normally tell the truth about. They may even be dishonest in public, which is something that they may not be able to do when acting out their own narcissistic persona.

(c) Obsessive – Sociopaths will focus all of their energy on only one task at a time, which can include a variety of smaller, unrelated activities.

Sociopathic Personality Disorders - What is a Sociopath?

This obsessive focus on the task at hand, will generally lead to a lack of concentration and can interfere with productivity. On the other hand, sociopaths will be able to work in a number of different tasks at the same time, but will fail to complete any or all of them for whatever reason.

(d) Egoistic – Both narcissists and sociopaths have an inflated sense of their own importance and value in life. They will not hesitate to brag about themselves to anyone else, will talk about themselves in an exaggerated way, and will typically place themselves at the top of any hierarchy they are in. Narcissists will often use this to gain admiration from others and will believe that the only person that matters is themselves.

(e) Self-destructive Behavior – Narcissists will usually act out against others when they feel threatened or when their egos are threatened. This behavior can include physical violence or can be directed at specific individuals.

(f) Dishonest – Both narcissists and sociopaths will usually have a tendency to lying.

Sociopathic Personality Disorders - What is a Sociopath?

However, there may be instances where the narcissist may be telling the truth while the sociopath is lying but will lie as a tactic. This can include telling someone about a secret, or making it seem as if a person is going to die or committing suicide.

In conclusion, both personality disorders have their own sets of characteristics, but there are many commonalities. Narcissists tend to be dishonest and manipulative, while sociopaths can be violent and can be manipulative, and will tend to lie to gain power.

If you or someone you know has this type of personality disorder, you may find it hard to trust yourself and may have an unrealistic self-image of yourself. If this is the case, you should seek professional help and get your affairs in order. Narcissists can be very difficult to deal with because of the deep desire to be in control.

In addition, you may find it hard to think clearly and have a hard time planning ahead.

Sociopathic Personality Disorders - What is a Sociopath?

These individuals are very analytical and can see the future and look at the past. If you have had issues with your spouse, you should get help because sociopathic tendencies can also show up in relationships with family members and friends.

If you suspect that you or a loved one has an Asperger’s or Narcissistic Personality Disorder, then you should get professional help today. There are a variety of effective treatments available to treat each personality disorder, including medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. The goal of these therapies is to teach the person to cope and deal with their symptoms so that they can live more productive lives and lead better, happier lives.

If you or someone you know has this personality disorder, it is important to seek treatment methods that will benefit the individual’s well being and improve their social and emotional well being. In addition to therapy, you may also need to attend classes to learn how to deal with these types of personality disorders.

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