Bad Breath and Metallic Taste in Mouth

A lot of people experience a metallic taste in the mouth or teeth.

Bad Breath and Metallic Taste in Mouth

For some, it is not only an issue of taste. There are several causes of metal taste in mouth that can cause other health problems. Some of these can be simple such as dental decay, while for others there may be more serious issues that need to be addressed immediately.

Some causes of a metallic taste in the mouth could be benign and go away on their own without the help of a doctor. But some others could be related to work brought about by too much exposure to metal. Here, eight possible causes of your mouth tasting a bit metallic: Antibiotics, especially tetracycline, lithium, and amoxicillin, are frequently used by dentists to treat infections and severe bacterial infections.

Bad Breath and Metallic Taste in Mouth

Antibiotic mouthwash is often combined with metal toothpaste in order to prevent tooth decay and mouth ulcers.

Sometimes, the metallic taste in your mouth comes from a build-up of plaque. This builds up when bacteria have taken over and eat away at the protective enamel of the tooth. This is usually caused by the accumulation of excess protein, saliva, tartar, and other materials on the teeth. You should brush your teeth often to remove the buildup of bacteria, but do not use the mouthwash with antacids as they will damage the enamel of your teeth and make your problem worse.

Another possible cause of this taste is diabetes. Diabetes mellitus can cause an increased production of saliva, a pH imbalance and an abundance of toxins.

Bad Breath and Metallic Taste in Mouth

The excess acidic juices can cause a metal taste in the mouth, since they are normally hard to break down.

Tooth decay is another possible cause. As plaque builds up, it causes a layer of hardened material on the surface of your teeth. If there is a lot of buildup and you do not brush your teeth often enough, this will result in a metallic taste in your mouth.

A more common form of tooth decay is called gum disease, which is also known as periodontal disease. This is the inflammation of the gums. If the gums become inflamed periodontal tissues can get infected and infection can occur.

Certain drugs cause this kind of taste. Many antibiotics can cause a metallic taste, including amoxicillin, tetracycline, penicillin, streptomycin, cotrimoxazole and ketoconazole.

Bad Breath and Metallic Taste in Mouth

These drugs are used to treat severe bacterial infections like Staphylococcus aureus.

Bad breath is a less common cause, although this is a common issue. A common cause of bad breath is an infection of the oral cavity. When the mouth has an odor, this is the result of anaerobic bacteria, a type of bacteria that live in the mouth without oxygen.

There is one problem with this theory. The bacteria do not cause the metallic taste, but they can be a contributing factor in the formation of the metallic taste.

Some people also complain of a metallic taste in their mouth after they eat or drink something. In many cases, this is a result of the person’s tongue coating the front part of the mouth.

Bad Breath and Metallic Taste in Mouth

This coating of the tongue is caused by a mineral called malachite. If the coating is too much, it can change the taste of whatever the person is tasting.

Since there are so many factors that can cause this tongue coating, you should see a doctor or dentist to determine if the coating is indeed malachite. You can also get a tongue scraper or toothpaste that contains malachite or a similar substance. to get rid of the coating. The taste can be caused by a chemical or a bacterial infection, however, and not malachite.

If you find that you have bad breath and you cannot figure out what the cause is, take action immediately by seeing your dentist. The last thing you want to do is let this continue to worsen.

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